Sunday, August 11, 2013

Life With A New Furry Friend

Congratulations on your new puppy or adopted new friend! They sure are cute, but they require a lot of your time and are sure to keep you busy
This is Murphy when he was a puppy

I bet you find yourself asking, "How do I get my housework done without using the crate all the time?" You need to run your errands and clean the house without allowing your dog too much unsupervised freedom. Whether your new furry friend is a puppy or an adopted dog, he is still in a new environment and will require supervision to avoid accidents and mischief.

I found the best way to give my puppy attention while I was cleaning the house was to keep him close to me! How did I do that? I used a leash. He was able to explore a bit and I was able to easily keep an eye on him. The leash I have is 6 feet long and has a handle that you can slip over your wrist. You could also attach the leash to your belt if you like. I was able to get my work done, the puppy was safe and I did not feel guilty about putting him in his crate.

1 comment:

  1. Just heard about you from Ann at Pawsitively Pets and wanted to come over and visit! Hoping you add "follow by email" to your blog so that I may follow you!
    Barks and licks and love,
